My Fat Arse and I

Yely­za­ve­ta Pys­mak | Polen/Ukraine 2020 | 10′ | Ani­ma­ti­ons­film | Polnisch/Englisch mit eng­li­schen UT | Köln-Premiere

Ein lus­ti­ger Film über Mager­sucht und Ärsche.


Mon­ta­ge: Nata­lia Jas­trzębs­ka, Yely­za­ve­ta Pysmak
Musik: Michał Lejc­zak, Szy­mon Kuchar­ski, Zhan­na Pismak
Ton: Michał Lejc­zak, Szy­mon Kucharski
Pro­duk­ti­on: PWSFTviT


Can­nes Cine­fon­da­ti­on 2nd prize
WFF audi­ence award
BIT­BANG 2nd place
Ani­ma­tor PL 1st place




Born in 1997 in the dark forests of Cher­ni­hiv, Ukrai­ne. An aut­hor of ani­ma­ti­on films, she is a gra­dua­te of the Łódź Film School. A B‑class witch, A‑class if having a good day. Befo­re beco­ming a witch, Yely­za­ve­ta was a hag, nevert­hel­ess in 2021 she deci­ded to ter­mi­na­te her col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with dark­ness and decay. She can tell the colour and the tas­te of your name as well as draw a cur­se that would make you sing sil­ly songs during mee­tings. The site won’t let me finish bio, so just watch the film.


Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

Min­nen (Memo­ries)


My Fat Arse and I 

Pro­ce­so de sel­ección (Sel­ec­tion Process) 

Amp­an­ga­ba­gat Nin Talak­ba Ha Likol (It’s Rai­ning Frogs Outside) 

Lés­si­vés (Sounds of Weariness) 

Arbe­te åt alla! (Jobs for All!)