How we make Karrabing

Kar­ra­bing | Aus­tra­li­en 2020 | 6′30″ | Doku­men­tar­film | Abori­gi­nal Eng­lish mit eng­li­schen UT | Köln-Premiere
New Aes­the­tic I

Mit­glie­der von Kar­ra­bing bespre­chen ihr Vor­ge­hen beim Fil­me­ma­chen und ihre Bezie­hung zum Land ihrer Vor­fah­ren im Kon­text des fort­wäh­ren­den Siedlungskolonialismus.


The Kar­ra­bing Film Coll­ec­ti­ve uses the crea­ti­on of  film and art instal­la­ti­ons as a form of Indi­ge­nous grass­roots resis­tance and self-orga­niza­ti­on. The coll­ec­ti­ve opens a space bey­ond bina­ries of the fic­tion­al and the docu­men­ta­ry, the past and the pre­sent. Mea­ning “low tide” in the Emmi­y­en­gal lan­guage, kar­ra­bing refers to a form of coll­ec­ti­vi­ty out­side of govern­ment-impo­sed stric­tures of clan­ship or land ownership.


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm


How we make Karrabing 

Mini­mal Sway While Start­ing My Way Up 

Hard­ly Working