Tornar-se um Homem na Ida­de Média (Beco­ming Male in the Midd­le Ages)

Pedro Neves Mar­ques| Por­tu­gal 2022 | 22′ | Spiel­film | Por­tu­gie­sisch mit eng­li­schen UT | Köln-Premiere
Best of Fes­ti­vals III

Mire­ne und André, Carl und Vicen­te: bei­des Paa­re Mit­te drei­ßig. Wäh­rend auch Mire­ne und André mit ihrem Kin­der­wunsch kämp­fen, will Vicen­te sich einer expe­ri­men­tel­len Behand­lung unter­zie­hen: Er will sich einen Ute­rus implan­tie­ren las­sen, um mit Carl ein Kind zu bekom­men. Ein spe­ku­la­ti­ves Lie­bes­dra­ma und eine inti­me Geschich­te über que­e­re Sexua­li­tät, kör­per­li­che Auto­no­mie, Fort­pflan­zungs­wün­sche und den Geist der Heteronormativität.


Bild­ge­stal­tung: Mar­ta Simões
Mon­ta­ge: Mar­ga­ri­da Lucas
Musik: HAUT
Ton: Ber­nar­do Theriaga
Pro­duk­ti­on: Cata­ri­na de Sousa


IFFR | Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val Rotterdam
Vil­ni­us Inter­na­tio­nal Film Festival
Go Short – Inter­na­tio­nal Short Film Fes­ti­val Nijmegen
Indie­Lis­boa — Inter­na­tio­nal Film Festival


2017 Exter­mi­na­tor Seed
2018 Art and Hurt (Toxic Image on the Street)
2019 The Bite
2022 Beco­ming Male in the Midd­le Ages


Pedro Neves Mar­ques is a direc­tor, visu­al artist, and wri­ter (b. 1984, Lis­bon). Their cine­ma releases include the short fic­tion films “The Bite,” which pre­mie­red at TIFF – Wave­lengths, and “Exter­mi­na­tor Seed” which pre­mie­red at Indie­Lis­boa in 2017. They also direc­ted the short poli­ti­cal docu­men­ta­ry “Art and Hurt” (2018). They have had solo exhi­bi­ti­ons in con­tem­po­ra­ry art insti­tu­ti­ons. Tog­e­ther with Cata­ri­na de Sou­sa, they foun­ded the film pro­du­cer Foi Boni­ta a Fes­ta in 2021.



Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

Tornar-se um Homem na Ida­de Média (Beco­ming Male in the Midd­le Ages) 


If I Go Will They Miss Me 

Vlek­kel­oos (Spot­less)

Bes­tia (Ani­mal)