
Naï­la Gui­guet | Frank­reich 2020 | 20′ | Spiel­film | Fran­zö­sisch mit eng­li­schen UT | Köln-Premiere
Best of Fes­ti­vals II

In einer alten Lager­hal­le tanzt die Men­ge zum Tech­no, dar­un­ter auch Dus­tin, ein*e junge*r Trans­gen­der, mit Crew: Felix, Raya und Juan. Zu spä­te­rer Stun­de wan­delt sich die Mas­sen­hys­te­rie in süße Melan­cho­lie und die Eupho­rie wird zur Sehn­sucht nach Zärtlichkeit.


Regie: Naï­la Guiguet
Buch: Naï­la Guiguet
Bild­ge­stal­tung: Clai­re Mathon
Mon­ta­ge: Nathan Jac­quard, Vin­cent Tricon
Musik: Kom­pro­mat, Moth , 999999999, Jaci­dorex, Man­ni Dee & Myler, Shlø­mo, Mijo, Syra­cu­se, Paw­low­ski, Trym
Ton: Jean-Charles Bastion
Pro­duk­ti­on: Alta Roc­ca Film: Jean-Eti­en­ne Brat & Lou Chicoteau


Semaine de la Cri­tique, France / Toron­to Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val, Cana­da, Won: imdB Pro Short Cuts Award for Best Short Film / Cur­to­cir­cuí­to – Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val, Spain, Won: Audi­ence Award & Spe­cial Men­ti­on / Cur­tas Vila do Con­de Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val, Por­tu­gal, Won: Best Fic­tion Film


2019 La Peau Dure


Naï­la Gui­guet gra­dua­ted in 2019 from the Femis’ Cine­ma School Sce­na­rio Depart­ment, whe­re she made a stu­dent short film “Rough Skin”. During her time at the Femis, she co-wro­te with Arnaud Des­plechin, Cathe­ri­ne Cor­si­ni and Tho­mas Sal­va­dor. Naï­la Gui­guet is also a DJ and a foun­ding mem­ber of the Coll­ec­ti­ve Pos­ses­si­on. This coll­ec­ti­ve orga­ni­s­es tech­no LGBT­QI+ evenings. During one such evenings, she shoots “Dus­tin”, her first short film as a professional.


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Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm



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