
Mike Hool­boom | Kana­da 2021 | 9′ | Expe­ri­men­tal­film | Eng­lisch mit eng­li­schen UT | Köln-Premiere
New Aes­the­tic I

Ein schreck­li­cher Virus bringt schließ­lich das Inter­net zu Fall, und die Men­schen schau­en aus den Trüm­mern her­vor. Fünf von ihnen äußern ihre per­sön­li­chen Erin­ne­run­gen: nach­denk­lich, fas­sungs­los, trau­rig, phi­lo­so­phisch. Wir hat­ten Film­stars und Rock­stars – jetzt haben wir einander.


Regie: Mike Hoolboom
Buch: Mike Hoolboom
Mon­ta­ge: Mike Hoolboom
Pro­duk­ti­on: Mike Hoolboom


Inter­na­tio­nal Short Film Fes­ti­val Oberhausen
Fes­ti­val du Nou­veau Cinéma
Upp­sa­la Inter­na­tio­nal Short Film Festival


Mike Hool­boom (1959, Toron­to). Media artist and wri­ter. He was schoo­led at the Fun­nel, Toronto’s for­mer under­ground movie palace, and has made more than 100 movies sin­ce 1980. He is the author/co/editor of 30 books. The­re have been 20 inter­na­tio­nal retro­s­pec­ti­ves of his work, and he has won more than 80 fes­ti­val awards, inclu­ding the Best Short Film Award in Toron­to IFF two times.

Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

One Thousand and One Attempts to Be an Ocean

One Thousand and One Attempts to Be an Ocean 

In Vitro

In Vitro



Poro­si­ty Val­ley 2: Tricks­ters’ Plot

Poro­si­ty Val­ley 2: Tricks­ters’ Plot