Lana Kai­ser

Phil­ipp Guf­ler | Deutschland/Niederlander 2021 | 13′30″ | Expe­ri­men­tal­film | Deutsch mit eng­li­schen UT | Köln-Premiere
Deut­scher Wett­be­werb VI

In 2002, Lana Kai­ser beca­me well known in the first sea­son of the Ger­man ver­si­on of the Idol tele­vi­si­on fran­chise. She was born in 1985 and went by her birth name Dani­el Küb­lböck. At only 17 years old she pola­ri­sed the audi­ence with her andro­gy­n­ous appearance. In 2018 Lana dis­ap­peared from a crui­se ship. Most media out­lets and the majo­ri­ty of the public didn‘t con­sider cal­ling her by her cho­sen name, Lana Kai­ser. Phil­ipp Gufler’s short film is a per­so­nal por­trait of the sin­ger and entertainer.


Regie: Phil­ipp Gufler
Mon­ta­ge: Phil­ipp Gufler
Musik: Rory Pilgrim
Ton: Natha­lie Bruys


67. Kurz­film­ta­ge Oberhausen
30. Fusi­on Film Fes­ti­val, Oslo
37. Wicked Que­er, Boston
26. Ché­ries Ché­ris, Paris


2019 The Respon­si­ve Body
2016 Becoming–Rabe
2014 Pro­jek­ti­on auf die Kri­se (Gau­wei­le­rei­en in München)
2013 Ein­ge­bil­de­te Männlichkeit


Phil­ipp Guf­ler works spans various media inclu­ding short films, silkscreen prints, instal­la­ti­ons and artists books. For the film “Pro­jec­tion on the Cri­sis (Gau­wei­le­rei­en in Munich)” on the begin­ning of the AIDS cri­sis in Ger­ma­ny, he began rese­ar­ching into the self-orga­ni­zed archi­ve Forum Que­e­res Archiv Mün­chen. Phil­ipp Guf­ler stu­di­ed at the Aca­de­my of Fine Arts in Munich and atten­ded artist resi­den­ci­es De Ate­liers, Ams­ter­dam, Skowhe­gan, USA and Del­fi­na Foun­da­ti­on, London.

Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

Micha­el Iron­side and I

Micha­el Iron­side and I 





Lana Kai­ser

Lana Kai­ser

