Pitch Black Panacea

Tom Har­di­man | UK 2019 | 7′ | Spiel- und Ani­ma­ti­ons­film | Eng­lisch ohne UT | Deutschland-Premiere
Look Shorts

Der Ver­such, ein frem­des Paar von ihrer Seh­schwä­che zu hei­len, führt zu Intro­spek­ti­on, emo­tio­na­len Rea­li­sa­tio­nen und einer gan­zen Rei­he von Hal­lu­zi­na­tio­nen. Amy und Carl haben bei­de das Lazy-Eye-Syn­drom. In dem Bemü­hen, ein Heil­mit­tel zum Sel­ber­ma­chen zu fin­den, ver­pflich­ten sie sich bei­de zu einer unge­wöhn­li­chen Behandlung.


Dreh­buch: Tom Hardiman
Pro­duk­ti­on: Glo­ria Bow­man — Somesuch
Ani­ma­ti­on: Chris Cornwel


23rd Brk­lyn Film Fes­ti­val 2020 — Win­ner of the Spi­rit Award
Flat­pack Fes­ti­val 2020


In 2016, Tom Har­di­man came to pro­mi­nence with a series of shorts inclu­ding an acclai­med film for Dazed cal­led ‘Radi­cal Hard­core’. The film was sel­ec­ted by Lyn­ne Ramsay for her ‘Elec­tric Shorts’ series, making it into the Lon­don Short Film Fes­ti­val and The BFI’s Net­work Picks. Sin­ce then, Tom has work­ed on mul­ti­ple short film pro­jects inclu­ding music vide­os for Mura Masa, Tun­ey­ards, Joy­wa­ve and Ever­y­thing is Recor­ded, as well as the short film ‘Slen­der Bodies’ com­mis­sio­ned by M2M and ‘Bar Luce’ a col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Pra­da and Vogue. With the sup­port of the BFI, Tom is fol­lo­wing this up with his second short, a come­dic-dra­ma which mixes live action with ani­ma­ti­on, entit­led Pitch Black Panacea. The film will pre­mie­re at Cler­mont-Fer­rand in 2020. His first fea­ture is curr­ent­ly in deve­lo­p­ment, and is set to shoot next year.

Kon­takt & Links


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