tx-rever­se 360°

Mar­tin Rein­hart & Vir­gil Wid­rich | Österreich/Deutschland 2019 | 5′ | Expe­ri­men­tal­film ohne Dia­lo­ge | Köln-Premiere
Vir­tu­al Reality-Ausstellung

Was pas­siert in einem Kino, wenn man mit 10K-Auf­lö­sung und einer 360°-Kamera filmt und dann die räum­li­chen und zeit­li­chen Ach­sen umkehrt? In nie gese­he­ner Form zeigt «TX-REVER­SE 360°» die Kol­li­si­on von Wirk­lich­keit und Kino und lockt das Publi­kum in einen Vor­tex, in dem die bekann­te Ord­nung von Raum und Zeit auf­ge­ho­ben ist.


Musik: Sieg­fried Friedrich


Dia­go­na­le — Fes­ti­val of Aus­tri­an Film
Le Fes­ti­val inter­na­tio­nal du film d’animation d’Annecy
VIS Vien­na Shorts
Nash­ville Film Festival


Mar­tin Rein­hart, film his­to­ri­an, film­ma­ker and film tech­ni­ci­an, born 1967 in Vien­na, lives and works in Vien­na. He stu­di­ed at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Appli­ed Arts in Vien­na. Co-foun­der of the com­pa­ny Indie­cam, which was a pio­neer of digi­tal film and deve­lo­ped the Cine­maDNG stan­dard tog­e­ther with Ado­be. His inno­va­ti­ve works and films have been pre­sen­ted at num­e­rous inter­na­tio­nal exhi­bi- tions and fes­ti­vals, inclu­ding the “tx-trans­form” film tech­ni­que deve­lo­ped by him. Vir­gil Wid­rich, screen­wri­ter, film direc­tor, mul­ti- media artist and pro­fes­sor for “Art & Sci­ence” at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Appli­ed Arts Vien­na. His works have been award­ed with more than 130 inter­na­tio­nal pri­zes so far. His most recent fea­ture film is “Night of a 1000 Hours” (2016). His first music video “Nena & Dave Ste­wart: Be my Rebel” was released in 2018.


Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

Black Bag

Black Bag

Manic VR

Manic VR

Unframed — Inti­maci­es (Hors-Cad­re — Intimités)

Unframed — Inti­maci­es (Hors-Cad­­re — Intimités) 



Ashe ’68

Ashe ’68

tx-rever­se 360°

tx-rever­­­se 360°