Acid Rain

Tomek Pop­akul | Polen 2019 | 26′ | Ani­ma­ti­ons­film | Pol­nisch mit eng­li­schen UT | NRW-Premiere
Best of Fes­ti­vals II

Irgend­wo in Ost­eu­ro­pa. Young haut ab aus ihrer bedrü­cken­den Hei­mat­stadt. Sie trifft Skin­ny – einen labi­len Spin­ner, der in einem Wohn­wa­gen lebt und nicht gera­de lega­len Geschäf­ten nach­geht. Ihre Rei­se führt sie nach und nach in immer gespens­ti­sche­re Situationen.


Bild­ge­stal­tung: Krzy­sz­tof Raks­zaw­ski, Shib­ab­ra­ta Chakra­bor­ty, Jacek Mazur, Olek­san­dra Zak­revs­ka, Adri­an Fija­lek, Dami­an Kra­ko­wi­ak, Maria Kul­pa, Kasia Melnyk
Musik: Escape From War­saw, Lou Karsh, Rep­tant, Chi­no Cee­phax, Jero­me Hill
Ton: Mich­al Fojcik
Pro­duk­ti­on: Animoon


Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val Rot­ter­dam, The Net­her­lands, 2019
Sun­dance Film Fes­ti­val, USA, 2019
Anne­cy Inter­na­tio­nal Ani­ma­ti­on Film Fes­ti­val 2019, France
Otta­wa Inter­na­tio­nal Ani­ma­ti­on Fes­ti­val 2019, Canada
Ani­ma­fest Zagreb 2019, Croa­tia, Grand Prix


2019 Acid Rain
2016 Black
2013 Ziegenort


Tomek Pop­akul was born in 1986. He gra­dua­ted in ani­ma­ti­on from the Lodz Film School. Paralel­ly he stu­di­ed script­wri­ting for a year. He made a cou­ple of short films – among them his gra­dua­ti­on, mul­ti-award­ed film „Zie­gen­ort” that scree­ned at dozens of fes­ti­vals around the world. He par­ti­ci­pa­ted in Ani­ma­ti­on Artist in Resi­dence Tokyo 2014 resi­den­cy pro­gram­me orga­nis­ed by Japan Image Coun­cil (JAPIC) whe­re he’s made a film „Black”.

Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm





Pati­si­on Avenue

Pati­si­on Avenue 

Acid Rain

Acid Rain

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All The­se Creatures