All The­se Creatures

Charles Wil­liams | Aus­tra­li­en 2018 | 13′ | Spiel­film | Eng­lisch ohne UT | Köln-Premiere
Best of Fes­ti­vals II

Ein Jugend­li­cher ver­sucht sich zu erin­nern – an eine selt­sa­me Pla­ge, den Zer­fall sei­nes Vaters und die klei­nen Wesen, die in uns leben.


Bild­ge­stal­tung: Adric Watson
Mon­ta­ge: Dan Lee, Charles Williams
Musik: Chia­ra Costanza
Ton: Craig Conway
Pro­duk­ti­on: Eli­se Tren­or­den, Charles Williams


Can­nes (Pal­me d’Or)


Charles Wil­liams grew up in a coun­try town in nor­t­hern Vic­to­ria, far from any­thing con­nec­ted to film­ma­king, except for an obses­si­on with movies. Though his house­hold was lar­ge­ly depen­dent on govern­ment assis­tance, he found a way to make films with equip­ment ‘bor­ro­wed’ from the local school and, while still in his teens, won the Best Direc­tor award at Trop­fest. Over the past deca­de his acclai­med films have scree­ned and won awards at some of the world’s most pres­ti­gious film festivals.

Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm





Pati­si­on Avenue

Pati­si­on Avenue 

Acid Rain

Acid Rain

All The­se Creatures

All The­se Creatures