The film was made specifically for a group show in Vienna (curated by Clint Enns and Madi Piller) titled From A to Z, that reflects on Micheal Snow’s 1956 animated film of the same name, and his multiplicity of approaches which fluidly transition between media and form. It is an endless barrage of hyperlinked cable television commercials. With equal doses of satire and nostalgia, the promised pleasures of late consumer capitalism are deconstructed through a contemporary form of détournement.
Winston Hacking
Kanada 2018, 3’, Experimentalfilm, ohne Dialoge, Deutschlandpremiere
Musik: Andrew Zukerman
2018 — L’Estrange Film Festival, Paris, France
2018 — Gimli Film Festival, Gimli, Manitoba
2018 — Blickle Kino at Belvedere 21, Vienna, Austria
Winston Hacking is a moving image artist originally from Peterborough, Ontario. His work often combines found footage, collage, green screen and puppeteering. Hacking’s work is economical, both in terms of his use of found materials and the techniques used. Despite his thrifty approach, his works are daedal due to his ability to transform the mundane into the sublime through creative re-contextualization.
2017 Flying Lotus — Post Requisite (Music Video)
2016 Andy Shauf — The Magician (Music Video)
2015 The Soupcans — Siamese Brutality (Music Video)
2014 The Public Slaw (35mm Short)
Website: winstonhacking.com