Sov­da­ga­ri (The Trader)

Im länd­li­chen Geor­gi­en, wo Geld nichts bedeu­tet, aber Kar­tof­feln har­te Wäh­rung sind, ver­kauft Gela aus sei­nem Lie­fer­wa­gen Second-Hand-Kla­mot­ten und Haushaltswaren.

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Tamta Gabri­chid­ze

Geor­gi­en 2017, 23′, Doku­men­tar­film, Georgisch/Russisch mit eng­li­schen UT, NRW-Premiere

Bild­ge­stal­tung: Vano Andiashvili
Mon­ta­ge: Nona Gogodze
Musik: Gigi (Pia­no­man) Chipashvili
Ton: Post Red Audio
Pro­duk­ti­on: First Channel


Dis­co­ver film awards, best short docu­men­ta­ry 2018
Sun­dance film fes­ti­val, best non fic­tion short 2018
Hot­docs docu­men­ta­ry fes­ti­val, best short docu­men­ta­ry 2017


Tamta Gabri­chid­ze is a free­lan­cer film director/producer/scriptwriter with more than ten years of expe­ri­ence working in tele­vi­si­on and film industry.


2017 The trader-sovdagari
2017 Kukushka
2016 Juba
2012 Lady I