Fauve (Beast)

In einem Tage­bau stei­gern sich zwei Jungs in einen schein­bar unschul­di­gen Macht­kampf, wäh­rend Mut­ter Natur als ein­zi­ge zusieht.

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Jere­my Comte

Kana­da 2018, 16′30″, Spiel­film, Fran­zö­sisch mit eng­li­schen UT, NRW-Premiere

Bild­ge­stal­tung: Oli­vi­er Gossot
Musik: Bri­an D’Oliveira
Ton: Lau­rent Ouellette
Pro­duk­ti­on: Maria Gra­cia-Tur­ge­on, Evren Boisjoli


Sun­dance Film Fes­ti­val 2018, Jury Spe­cial Prize
Palm Springs Short­Film Fest 2018, Best of the Fes­ti­val Award
VIS Vien­na Short 2018, Jury Award
Tel­lu­r­i­de Film Festival


Dri­ven by a pas­si­on for Skate­boar­ding, Jere­my Comte direc­ted his first short docu­men­ta­ry “Feel The Hill” at eigh­te­en years old, landing him a world tour with the Banff Moun­tain Film Fes­ti­val. Rai­sed in the coun­try side and later gra­dua­ting from Con­cor­dia Uni­ver­si­ty in Film Pro­duc­tion, his con­nec­tion with natu­re and curio­si­ty for the human con­di­ti­on deepe­ned with his tra­vels around the glo­be. Comte is rou­sed by psy­cho­lo­gi­cal, raw nar­ra­ti­ves fin­ding meaningful con­nec­tions through poe­tic imagery. His latest short fic­tion film “Fauve” won mul­ti­ple awards such as Spe­cial Jury Award at the 2018 Sun­dance Film Festival.