White Moun­tain

Das Pio­nen Data Cent­re, ein frü­he­rer Atom­bun­ker, 30 Meter unter Stock­holm: teils Schalt­zen­tra­le eines Bond-Böse­wichts, teils retro­fu­tu­ris­ti­sches Raum­schiff. Der Film erkun­det die ver­gäng­li­che Natur von Spei­cher­platz und Geologie.

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Emma Charles

UK 2016, 17′, Doku­men­tar­film, Eng­lisch ohne UT, NRW-Premiere

Buch: Jus­si Parikka
Bild­ge­stal­tung: Emi­le Ebra­him Kelly
Ton: Matt Parker


Shef­field Doc Fest, East End Film Fes­ti­val, Aban­don Nor­mal Devices Festival


Emma Charles (b.1985) is a Lon­don-based artist. Working with expe­ri­men­tal approa­ches to sound and moving image, her work often trans­ver­ses the boun­da­ries bet­ween docu­men­ta­ry and fic­tion. She works both in ana­lo­gue and digi­tal for­mats which are often media­ted by the sub­ject in which the phy­si­cal and mate­ri­al focus of the work beco­me impli­cit in the aes­the­tic pro­cess. Charles has exhi­bi­ted and scree­ned at Ser­pen­ti­ne Gal­le­ries, Lon­don; ZKM, Karls­ru­he; HKW, Ber­lin and Jeu de Pau­me, Paris.


2018 When Objects Dream

2013 Frag­ments on Machines

2012 Vents