Uto­pia 1.0: Post-Neo-Futu­rist-Capi­ta­lism in 3D!

Wäh­rend über der einst leb­haf­ten Online-Pseu­do­wirk­lich­keit ›Second Life‹ all­mäh­lich die Son­ne unter­geht, schickt die Fil­me­ma­che­rin Annie Ber­man ihren Ava­tar hin­ein, um den Nie­der­gang die­ser uto­pi­schen Welt zu untersuchen.

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Annie Ber­man
USA 2015, 20’, Doku­men­tar­film, Eng­lisch ohne UT, NRW-Premiere
Musik: Chris Zabriskie
Pro­duk­ti­on: Fish in the Hand Productions


Annie Ber­man is a media artist living and working in New York City. Named one of Inde­pen­dent Magazine’s 10 Film­ma­kers to Watch in 2016, her films, vide­os, per­for­man­ces, and instal­la­ti­ons have shown inter­na­tio­nal­ly in gal­le­ries, fes­ti­vals, uni­ver­si­ties, and con­fe­ren­ces, inclu­ding the MoMA Docu­men­ta­ry Fort­night, Roof­top Films, Gale­rie Patrick Eben­sper­ger Ber­lin, Kas­sel Haupt­bahn­hof, and the Rome Inde­pen­dent Film Fes­ti­val whe­re she was award­ed the Best Expe­ri­men­tal Film Prize.



2016 The Faithful

2013 Street Views

2011 Of Birds and Boundaries